Initiate Pages
These pages are for those who have enrolled in Eckankar's Spiritual Living Courses.
All are welcome to explore the benefits of the ECK courses and initiation here.
Chela News Updates
Chela Retreat
Come and enjoy three days of spiritual renewal, joy, and discovery at the 2025 Hawaii ECK Chela Retreat. Open your heart to divine love as we explore Soul's Voyage to Spiritual Freedom together. The deadline is March 1, so please register soon.
Spiritual Services
Click below for an overview and information regarding ECK Hawaii Spiritual Services. Password is the last word in the lead article of the current Mystic World.
You make our ECKANKAR community events possible! Mahalo for your donation of any size
Sign Up for News Updates
If you would like to receive email communications from ECKANKAR in Hawaii (via the RESA or another ECK Leader) about upcoming events, classes and special announcements
Leadership Contacts
A comprehensive list of all local contacts and leaders in the Hawaii ECK community. Password is the last word in the lead article of the current Mystic World.